The Spectacle of the Pro-Suffrage Female Mountaineer: Citizenship Claims and the Rivalry for the Women’s World High-Altitude Climbing Record, 1898-1912

Event Details:

Wed, Mar 26 2025
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Seerley 115

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The Spectacle of the Pro-Suffrage Female Mountaineer: Citizenship Claims and the Rivalry for the Women’s World High-Altitude Climbing Record, 1898-1912

Professor Barbara Cutter, of the History Department, will be giving the March installment of the Phi Alpha Theta Lecture Series:

"The Spectacle of the Pro-Suffrage Female Mountaineer: Citizenship Claims and the Rivalry for the Women’s World High-Altitude Climbing Record, 1898-1912”

The lecture will be held in Seerley 115 on Wednesday, March 26 at 7:00 p.m. The Phi Alpha Theta Lecture Series is always free and open to the public!